androiddev MotionLayout Quickie - Constraint Sub-Elements Welcome to another MotionLayout Quickie! This week we'll be exploring MotionLayout sub-elements!All examples will be based on us using a simple MotionLayout with a start and end state and nothing else.The
motionlayout Everyday I'm Shuffling: Building the Monzo Plus card selection animation with MotionLayout A week or so ago Ataul Munim showcased his work building the Monzo Plus card selection animation using a custom view. The animation is fantastic! I love reading blog posts on how Android
motionlayout MotionLayout Quickie - onTouchUp ConstraintLayout has hit beta1! 🎉 And with this new update we have a new onTouchUp for the OnSwipe handler in a Transition that we can use in a MotionLayout.So, I've decided to write
androiddev Bottoms Up! - BottomNavigationView Updates in the Material Components/Design Support Library I've just removed the design support library and added the new Material Components library ( as of writing) and currently there's some sea birds outside making
androiddev A Sloth's guide to learning Kotlin I'm starting to learn Kotlin. I'm pretty sure a large majority of all Android devs are also doing this right now. There are plenty of blog posts, videos, podcasts, talks etc. etc. being
androiddev Shared Element Transitions - Updates I didn't expect to get so many views on my Shared Element Transition blog series. But making it into Android Dev Digest and Android Weekly has increased the number of people looking at
sharedelementtranistions Shared Element Transitions - Part 5: Fixing Flashing/Blinking In part 4 of the series we explored combining Shared Element Transitions with RecyclerView.In part 5 we're going to fix the white flashing or blinking that you may have seen throughout the
androiddev Shared Element Transitions - Part 4: RecyclerView In part 3 of the series we looked at how to implement Shared Element Transitions when using Picasso or Glide.In part 4 we're going to look at implementing them with RecyclerView, a
androiddev Shared Element Transitions - Part 3: Picasso & Glide In part 2 of this series we looked at guidelines for implementing our Shared Element Transitions and also how we utilise them when going from Fragment to Fragment.In part 3 we're going
androiddev Shared Element Transitions - Part 2: Fragments In part 1 we learned what Shared Element Transitions are, how they work and a simple example using Activity to Activity.In part 2 we're going to learn a little more on how
androiddev Shared Element Transitions - Part 1: Activities Shared Element Transitions are a great way of implementing Material motion and adding some flair to your app. Shared element transitions help the user on their journey through your app by giving them
androiddev Gotcha when offline caching with OkHttp3 I recently was trying to use an offline cache with OkHttp to store some information. This is handy if the user goes offline and we want them to still see some information.I'd
vectordrawable This app did the VectorDrawableCompat diet and shed 2.4MB! And it’s so easy, you can do it too! This article was orginally posted on Medium on March 21st, 2016. You can find it here.If you haven’t heard already, Android now has VectorDrawableCompat, hurrah!There have been a few articles